Admissions Policy
We are registered with Ofsted to provide day care to children aged 2 to 4 years old, Monday – Friday term time only. We are closed during the school holidays.
Services available are as follows:
Flexible day care
Funded 30 hours childcare (3- and 4-year-olds if eligible)
Funded 15 hours childcare (3- and 4-year-olds)
Funded 15 hours childcare Time for Twos / Working Parents (2-year-olds if eligible)
Fee paying places (cost available upon request)
Children attend mornings, afternoons or full days.
Morning sessions - 8.30am – 11.30am
Afternoon sessions - 12.15pm – 3.15pm
Full days - 8.30am - 3.15pm
Lunch is charged separately for children accessing full days.
Allocation of places
Children will be entered into the waiting list in age order.
Places will be allocated to the eldest children first with preference given to those eligible for Early Education Funding, unless indicated by a medical condition, additional need or emergency admission.
In the event of over-subscribing places will be allocated in age order.
Fee paying places will be allocated only if space is available.
Two year old Funded places will be allocated only if space is available and eligibility has been confirmed by the Local Authority.
Parents wishing to increase or reduce their child’s sessions or days may do so providing there is a place available.